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美国 TOPS MILSpie5-TPMIL05 部队定制版
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美国 TOPS MILSpie5-TPMIL05 部队定制版(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM001780
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美国 TOPS MILSpie5-TPMIL05 部队定制版


The name Mil-SPIE is an acronym that the DOD came up with several years ago. It stands for (Military-Special Projects Inpidual Equipment) Pronounced ‘MIL SPY’
This was to enable Special Operation Forces within the Military to help develope, test, evaluate and
acquire 'out of the ordinary' and 'outside of normal channels' items that they require.
TOPS KNIVES is often approached by inpidual OPERATORS who advise us of their
ideas and the criteria that needed to be met for their Unit or Team.  
The challenge was to develope a small and large Field Knife with a fairly narrow carrying profile.
It had to be strong and light in weight.
With this criteria in mind we created and named the Mil-SPIE Knives.
Two sizes were developed:

Mil-SPIE - 5
This model  size is a 5.0" blade that is 1/4" thick and O/A Length 10 3/8"  made out of 1095 HCA , weight .65  RC58
This model is more adeft at belt or vest carry, while still maintaining a low profile.
The scales are black linen micarta with our dot dash dot pattern imbedded in the handle.
The handle scales are removable and the skeletonized knife seems to be as popular as the one with handles.
The blades are coated with 'black traction coating' and if requested we have the knives available with a 'Code Yellow' 
handle, which is highly
visible and can be used either skeletonized or with handle scales,  and has good traction in its own right.
The sheath system is a Heavy Duty Kydex, which locks the knife in place in the closed position and has a
Steel Spring Clip for attachment in a
variety of positions,  in addition it has a ballistic nylon loop with additional
fastener,  should it be required as a secondary lock.


TOPS  Mil-SPIE5这个名字来自于(Military-Special Projects Inpidual Equipment)军事特别行动单兵装备,这是为装备美国军队内部的特别行动部队所开发,测试,并经军队实战进行了相关修改后装备部队.TOPS刀具大多为军队定制版,一个型号有很多版本,此Mil-SPIE 05 也不例外,TOPS  Mil-SPIE 05这个型号一共有六个版本,本刀为Mil-SPIE Black Linen Micarta Handle, Black Blade, Plain.(代表:黑色亚麻米卡塔手柄,黑色刀身,平刃)。
品牌:   美国
刃材:  1095高碳钢
柄材:  米卡塔
全长:  26.5厘米
刃长:  12.8厘米
刃厚:   0.65厘米
硬度:   58-59HRC
重量:   285克
产地:   美国
刀鞘:  原厂刀鞘
附件:    原厂签名证书




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