日本花田洋Rockstead HIGO-JH肥后 ZDP189钢手工折刀
名称 日本花田洋肥后HIGO-JH 编号 HIGO-JH
规格 cm
全长 21.4
刃长 8.8
刃厚 0.3
刃宽 2.5
材质 ZDP-189
硬度 64HRC
锁型: 线锁
表面: DLC钛镀膜
柄材: Duralumin A2024+涂层硬度Hv-400
产地 日本每把刀出厂证书上都有刀刃硬度实际测试值,以此实际测试值为准. 每把刀身编号都不同。
此款"HIGO-JH肥后" 黑铝柄折刀同样也是Rockstead 的高品质刀款,使用著名的ZDP189粉末钢作为刀身钢材,使得Rockstead刀款不仅表现出手工刀的精美之外,更拥有强悍的切割性能与锋利度.
It is a small size of Higo knife. And the function is quite the same as Higo. This easy maintenance knife is an easy-to-use knife that cuts well. The handle of the duralumin is light and is strong. The bottom of this blade edge is 30 degrees, and it's continuously change to top of the blade.The top edge's angle is 24 degrees. The change in this angle is a result of ROCKSTEAD that pursues sharpness. This is a knife of preeminent sharpness. You can enjoy its strong cutting capabilities for a long time.