SPYDERCO 美国蜘蛛 C41TIFP Native5 3" S35VN Satin Plain Blade, Fluted Ti第五代Native的最高版本高端折刀
Blade Magazine's 2011 American Made Knife of the Year and for good reason. The Native5 Fluted Titanium generates knife envy everywhere one goes by pairing a flat-ground CPM-S35VN powdered steel blade with a slip-stopping, sunburst-machined titanium handle. Functional, yet elegantly refined. Spyderco C41TIFP Native5 3" S35VN Satin Plain Blade, Fluted Ti 蜘蛛Native从1997年诞生至今,已经发展到了第五代产品,C41TIF5作为第五代Native的最高级版本,有严谨的做工和高级的用料,是一款值得收藏的产品醒! 全长:17.7CM 刃长:7.5CM 切割线长:6.1CM 闭合长度:10.2CM 刃厚:0.32CM 刃材:CPM S35VN 硬度:59-60HRC 刀柄:6AL 4V 钛合金 表面CNC条纹雕刻 锁定:背锁 重量:119克 产地:美国